Behind every great performance, concert, festival, or event of the Brighton Band, there are a group of people who keep the gears turning. These individuals are the unsung heroes of the Brighton Band. They are often the first to arrive onsite and the last ones to leave. I am not talking about the directors and staff; I am talking about the volunteers.
Often times, the volunteers are parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or just family friends. These people give time out of their busy lives to help further their young musician’s education by simply asking, “How can I help?”
It would be great if we could benefit from these people’s contributions forever, but sadly, we have to say goodbye to some of them every May as their musician graduates. The need for new volunteers has always been there, but it is a greater need now more than ever.
If you are asking the question, “How can I help,” please feel free to email our booster president or one of the directors.
A list of yearly volunteer needs, rules, and expectations can be found in our high school band handbook on pages 11 and 12. Click Here to view the handbook.
Thank you,
Directors, Staff, and Boosters of Brighton Band